The Lord Sheikh


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Lord Mohamed Sheikh was born in Kenya and brought up in Uganda. His parents originated from the sub-continent of India. Mohamed attended Government schools in Mbale (Uganda) where he attained the Cambridge Higher School Certificate.

On arrival in the United Kingdom, he started his insurance career by joining the Sun Alliance Insurance Company in London. He attended the City of London College and Holborn College where he completed the Associateship of The Chartered Insurance Institute and subsequently passed the Fellowship of The Chartered Insurance Institute. Later he also attained the Financial Planning Certificate.

Mohamed has been honoured by the presentation of several personal awards which have been given to him for his achievements, leadership, business and community work.

He has also been awarded an Honorary Doctorate for Humanitarian work he undertakes.

He is the Chairman of companies which relate to Insurance, Financial Services, and properties. He used to own a company which was awarded 12 major awards over a period of three years and this has not been achieved by any other organisation.

Mohamed was elevated to the House of Lords in 2006. He is an active Peer and speaks regularly in the House of Lords on a variety of subjects. He has traveled extensively overseas and visited a number of countries.

Mohamed has been the President of the Insurance Institute of Croydon and a member of the National Council of the Chartered Insurance Institute. He was Regional Chairman of the British

Insurance Brokers Association on two separate occasions and was a Director of the main board of the Association for four years. He has also held senior positions in other financial and insurance organisations.

For a period of 12 years, Mohamed was a visiting lecturer at various colleges and polytechnics and in addition to lecturing he has also written educational material. He is an advisor to a university in England. He belongs to a Livery company and is, in fact, a Freeman of the City of London.

He has written extensively on insurance subjects in various publications and he speaks at numerous meetings and conferences on business as well as leadership matters. Mohamed is now actively involved in promoting Islamic Finance in the United Kingdom and globally.

He founded the Conservative Muslim Forum in 2005 and was its Chairman until 24th June 2014. He relinquished his position and became President of the Forum on 25th June 2014. Lord Sheikh was elected as Acting Chairman of the Conservative Muslim Forum on 21st June 2019 and remains the President.

In 2018 Lord Sheikh has married to Guli Muradova

In 2019 Lord Sheikh and Lady Guli Sheikh has set up the “ Silk Route Global “, “Women’s Leadership” and “London College Of English” in Tashkent (Uzbekistan)

He is a Patron of several Muslim and non-Muslim organizations and is actively involved in strengthening relationships between various racial and religious groups. He has been brought up in a multi-racial community and learned to speak several languages and respects all religions.

In view of Lord Sheikh’s longstanding connection with the City of London, he took the full title of Baron Sheikh of Cornhill in the City of London when he was appointed to the House of Lords.

He has founded and funds a registered charity named after his father which has supported and continues to support various charitable causes worldwide and in fact has undertaken charity work on the ground.

He holds the following positions in Parliamentary groups;

Co-Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Islamic Finance Co-Chair of All-Party Parliamentary Group on Turkey

Vice Chairman of All-Party Parliamentary Group on Bangladesh Vice Chairman of All-Party Parliamentary Group on Tajikistan Vice Chairman of All-Party Parliamentary Group on Ethiopia and Djibouti

Vice Chairman of All-Party Parliamentary Group on India

Vice Chairman of All-Party Parliamentary Group on Kazakhstan Vice Chairman of All-Party Parliamentary Group on Turkmenistan Vice Chairman of All-Party Parliamentary Group on Nepal

Vice Chairman of All-Party Parliamentary Group on Uganda

Vice Chairman of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Race and Community

Vice Chairman of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on British Kyrgystan

Vice Chairman of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Third World Solidarity

Vice Chairman of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Zoroastrian Officer of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Hate Crime Member of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

Member of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Insurance and Financial Services

Member of the All-Party Parliamentary Group Against Antisemitism Member of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Armed Forces Mohamed has his own Coat of Arms which was designed by the College of Arms. It signifies the importance of education and conveys the message that Islam is a religion of peace. His coat of arms is shown on the homepage of this website.

He has recently published a book on Maharaja Ranjit which has been very well received. He is at present writing a book on ‘Four Original Indians who became members of British Parliament’ and a Historic Novel.