
Lady Guli Sheikh has been invited to give a speech at the international conference in Uzbekistan.

First International Scientific-Practical Conference 2021 “The Role of Women & Girls in the Development of Science in the Updated Uzbekistan: Gender Equality”, organized by TIAME, Uzbekistan.

The Women's Leadership

Award Ceremony was held, during which Lady Sheikh presented certificates to female students who had completed six months of free online education organized by her. Over 300 women and 30 men received certificates.

In 2019 Lady Sheikh, who lives in the United Kingdom, urgently travelled to Uzbekistan to help the people of Sirdarya.

Prior to the pandemic, she had visited the Sirdarya region, where a village was destroyed by flooding. Thousands of houses were destroyed by floods, leaving people without electricity and food. During the strong flood, houses were destroyed. Lady Sheikh delivered aid to each
household, including blankets, water, food, clothes, and money to alleviate the difficulties caused by the disaster. She has helped thousands of households by providing a great deal of assistance. She visited the people of Sardoba to ensure they received enough help to feel safe.

In 2019 during the pandemic the region of Bukhara (Olot) in Uzbekistan

In 2019 during the pandemic the region of Bukhara (Olot) in Uzbekistan was destroyed by strong winds, leaving people without shelter and exposed to heavy rain as each household’s roof was destroyed. She urgently visited Bukhara to provide aid to the people of Olot. She has visited each household to ensure they receive food, water, blankets, and financial assistance. She spent two months providing aid to the people of Olot who were affected by the disaster.


Lady Sheikh has been visiting Uzbekistan to promote gender equality

Lady Sheikh has been visiting Uzbekistan to promote gender equality, tackle poverty, and promote education. Whenever she visits Central Asia, she spends over five months visiting eight regions to motivate and encourage the community to promote equality. She also holds meetings with senior leaders to exchange ideas with Western countries on how they can help achieve their aim of promoting women’s education and gender equality. During her visit to Central Asia, she engaged in charitable work aimed at tackling poverty. She visited orphanages, special schools, and hospitals, providing disabled individuals with wheelchairs and gifts to bring them happiness.


In 2022, Women's Leadership students received their certificates

In 2022, Women’s Leadership students received their certificates after successfully completing a six-month free online masterclass organised by Lady Guli Sheikh.

In 2023, Women's Leadership students received their certificates

In 2023, Women’s Leadership students received their certificates after successfully completing a six-month free online masterclass organised by Lady Guli Sheikh.

In 2023, Lady Sheikh was invited to visit Uzbekistan in the Navoiy region to speak at a women's conference

In 2023, Lady Sheikh was invited to visit Uzbekistan in the Navoiy region to speak at a women’s conference promoting gender equality. She also met with local businesswomen to discuss education and ways to tackle poverty.


In 2024, Lady Guli Sheikh became a delegate for UN Women UK

In 2024, Lady Guli Sheikh became a delegate for UN Women UK and is now officially part of the community that helps women around the world.

Between 2019-2024 Lady Sheikh, who promotes gender equality

Between 2019-2024 Lady Sheikh, who promotes gender equality and does a lot of charitable work, saved the lives of eight women and their children from suicide. She also set up free education for women around the world.
The Women’s Leadership School is proud to assist women and men worldwide in improving their lives.

Lady Guli Sheikh also helped the Nazari Digar charity

Lady Guli Sheikh also helped the Nazari Digar charity, which supports children with Down Syndrome in Tajikistan. Recently, she was appointed as a charity ambassador.

Lady Guli Sheikh also helped to build a water well

Lady Guli Sheikh also helped to build a water well for the people of Niger in 2022.