Dame Mary Archer


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Dame archer



Dame Mary Archer is the chair of the The Royal Parks and was the chair of the Board of Trustees of the Science Museum Group. She is a chemist by training, and has taught the subject at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge and Imperial College London, where her scientific research centred on sustainable energy production and solar energy conversion.

Dame Mary has had a long association with the UK’s National Health Service. She sat on the board of Cambridge University Hospitals for twenty years, ten of them as chair and she was appointed DBE (Dame Commander of the British Empire) for services to the NHS in 2012.

Among other current commitments, Dame Mary is chancellor of the University of Buckingham, president of Cambridge Global Health Partnerships, chair of Cambridge Early Music and patron of the UK Solar Energy Society. She holds honorary DSc (Doctor of Science) degrees from the Universities of Hertfordshire and Bradford and Imperial College London.